My name is Phil Ouma and together with my wife Annie and daughter Dakoda we Pastor the church here in Ipswich. I would love to invite you to come and join us for one of our services. If there is anyway I can be of help to you please contact me:
E: admin@pottershouseipswich.com.au
M: 0423 710 491
Read My Story
I was born and raised in Perth Western Australia and lived there for much of my life. My parents migrated there from Kenya in East Africa for a better life and to further their education. At this point their lives were consumed with partying, alcohol, and destruction. Their lives took a turn when their marriage hit rock bottom and a stranger started to tell my mother about Jesus. She went home and told my father what had happened in her life, and they both became devoted followers of Jesus Christ. A short while later they went on to have four children myself being the second oldest.  From as young as I could remember my parents were heavily devoted and involved in the church, we all were attending. For me I just thought that is how every child grew up. However, as I went to school and grew into my adolescent years, I found this to be quite the contrary. There was an earnest desire for me to fit in and want to be a part of the ‘’in crowd’’. This fuelled a lot of insecurities within me as I had this earnest desire to fill accepted which led me down a path of immorality, addiction, and even crime. This was a far cry from the innocent Christian kid, that I was. I never would have imagined myself doing the things that I did, nor becoming the person I was.  During this time, I moved to Brisbane on the East Coast of Australia trying to escape from the problems that I was facing. It is interesting that you can move to the other side of continent trying to escape from your problems, but they still seem to find you, because problem wasn’t where I was, it was who I was.  A short while later I moved out of home, and I became tired of running and trying to numb the pain of my poor decisions. I started attending the Potters House Christian church Brisbane. It was there where I decided to give my life to Jesus wholeheartedly, and not hold anything back. Jesus became my everything, it wasn’t just a Sunday thing, it was everything. Jesus set me free from shame, guilt, and a life of destruction. It was like I became a whole new person again. The bible says ‘’If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old thing have passed away behold all things have become new’’ – 2 Corinthians 5:17.. That is exactly how I felt.  This was over 12 years ago, and my life has never been the same. I am now married to my beautiful wife and recently had newborn daughter. I have also been privileged to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ right around the world. This could have not been possible without Jesus and His power to transform my life. If you are reading this and thinking about your own life, let me tell you that Jesus can change you. If he can change me, He can change anyone.  I’d like to invite you to one of our services where you can experience Christ power to transform your life.  God bless,  Pastor Phil Ouma